Inspirational supervision and deep reflective practice are at the heart of development, both professionally and personally.  At Beacon House we believe that it is a privilege to earn the trust of clients, and be invited to walk alongside them in their deepest struggles. To honour our responsibility to do this safely, sensitively and effectively – we whole heartedly believe that as professionals we must also take ourselves to the edge of the unknown which is where we learn and grow both for ourselves, and for our clients.

In the spirit of this, we are delighted to offer supervision and consultation to professionals working with children, families and with adults. Drawing on our wealth of experience here at Beacon House and informed by cutting edge research, we specialise in offering integrative supervision and consultation with a focus on the impact of adversity, loss and trauma on our clients, on us as professionals and of course on the relationships that connect us.

NEW: Online Supervision Groups

From February 2024, we are running new online supervision groups.

Supervision Group for Therapists Working with Complex Trauma in Adults:
This group will be led by Teresa Finlay, one of our Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists and clinical supervisors, who has extensive experience of helping individuals living with the long-term impact of childhood and complex trauma. For further details click here to download your information pack.

Supervision Group for Therapists Working with Adopted and Looked After Children:
This group will be led by Lucinda Weiss, one of our Dramatherapists and clinical supervisors, who has many years’ experience of working with adopted and looked after children, young people and their families or carers. For further details click here to download your information pack.

Supervision Group for Therapists Working with Children & Young People who are

  • Adopted
  • Cared for by Friends & Family
  • Cared for by Foster Carers
  • Living in Residential Homes

This group will be led by Dr Kathryn Whyte, one of our Clinical Psychologists and clinical supervisors, who has many years’ experience of working with adopted and looked after children, young people and their families or carers. For further details click here to download your information pack.

To register your interest please get in touch with us on 01444 413 939 or email us at [email protected] We will be holding a waiting list should the group be full at the time of your enquiry.

Clinical Supervision

We offer individual and group supervision for a range of professional contexts including Social Care, Mental Health, Education and Youth Justice Services.

Our overarching framework is trauma-informed supervision. Trauma-informed supervision is an ethos, rather than a specific model, and we embody the following values within the supervisory relationship:

  • Safety, trust, and collaboration.
  • Everyone’s experiences, perspectives and differences are included, welcomed and celebrated.
  • The importance of having a safe, consistent, regular and reflective space, particularly when working within complex contexts and complex clients.
  • The acceptance that we all have our own triggers and stressors which can be activated within our work. Supervision will value reflection, well-being and self-care.
  • The understanding that sometimes feelings and behaviours with our clients can get repeated in the supervision relationship. This will be held in mind and worked with in supervision if helpful.
  • Supervision is relational. It is a two-way relationship where both voices are listened to and both voices matter.

Clinical supervision is an ongoing relationship between the supervisor and supervisee where, just as with direct therapeutic or supportive work, trust and collaboration builds over time. We treat the supervisory relationship with respect and compassion, whilst also holding central the importance of constructive challenge and the need for us all to be held to account for our professional action or in-action.

Therapeutic Consultation

In contrast to clinical supervision, we also offer standalone consultations to individuals, groups of professionals or organisations. Where appropriate, we can also consult to a therapist together with their client.

Common goals of such consultations include:

  • Formulating the needs of a complex client.
  • Processing the personal impact of a therapeutic encounter.
  • Identifying the ongoing needs of a child or adult.
  • Supporting a professional network to identify and unlock obstacles to effective working.
  • Exploring ways of supporting the child or adult in a specific setting (e.g. school).

Consultations usually require at least two meetings; one to gather important information and one to achieve the goals of the consultation. A plan is agreed with you for the consultation prior to starting.

Our Supervision and Consultation Framework

Clinical supervision and consultation can be offered face to face in one of our clinics or offered remotely. We provide a clear framework of safety and governance around our supervision and consultation which helps to protect the supervisee, supervisor and, of course, the clients we are holding in mind. Our framework includes:

  • The supervisee and supervisor agree and sign a contract, setting out our mutual expectations, goals and boundaries.
  • The supervisee/consultee will be asked to provide contact details which we store on our secure database.
  • The supervisee will be provided with our Privacy Statement – explaining what data we store and process, and how that information is protected.
  • Our records from supervision/consultation sessions are available on request.
  • We have a robust safeguarding framework and a Designated Safeguarding Lead on duty each day. Should there be any safeguarding concerns arising from the supervision conversation then we are able to sensitively respond to these within our usual processes. You can find our Safeguarding policy here.
  • Our therapists receive supervision and oversight for the supervision and consultation they offer to others, meaning we have layers of support and reflection enabling the work to be safe, effective and anchored.
  • Our therapists are on an active and exciting journey of CPD themselves, including access to all Beacon House training.
  • If supervisees or consultees would like to share feedback, raise a concern or a formal complaint, we have an accessible and transparent process available which can be found here.

How to request supervision or consultation

To make an informal enquiry about supervision or consultation please get in touch with us on [email protected]. You will be connected with one of our Clinical Leads who will get in touch with you to understand your needs and confirm the fees.