We are enormously proud of our long-standing collaboration with the West Sussex Youth Offending Service (YOS), and more recently, the West Sussex Adolescence Service. We have recently provided a comprehensive programme of training to over 100 West Sussex County Council (WSCC) staff, to support them to move their service model towards one that is attachment and trauma informed. This has included:


  • A foundation in the Neurodevelopmental Model of Trauma (Dr Bruce Perry)
  • A foundation in the Dynamic Maturational Model of Attachment (Dr Patricia Crittenden)
  • Applying trauma and attachment informed theory in practice
  • Mentalization informed practice with young people and their families
  • Working with families and systems


Take a look on our Creative Wall for some of the inspirational and beautiful artwork created as ‘learning logs’ during our training sessions.

We really value the open, committed, innovative and creative values of our colleagues within West Sussex County Council (WSCC) statutory service. This allows for some incredibly powerful and impactful joint working, creating change for families across West Sussex.

We are formally commissioned by YOS to facilitate monthly case formulation meetings to each of their geographical teams. We also provide mentoring, clinical supervision and consultation to the YOS Service Lead and Team Managers.

Getting in Touch

If you have any questions about our services please feel free to pick up the phone to us on 01444 413 939 or send us an email on admin@beaconhouse.org.uk, we welcome informal conversations about whether we are the right service for you. To make a referral please click here.