Any child who has access to a screen is at risk of being exposed to online pornography. The content of this is often violent, abusive and degrading. Research shows that this is impacting significantly on children and young people in a multitude of negative ways.
This training aims to raise awareness of this hugely important, but often avoided, topic. Ways of facilitating blame-free and shame-free conversations will be explored, as well as offering practical strategies to provide a safer online environment for young people.
1pm - 2.15pm
This training is for all parents/carers, teaching staff, therapists, social workers and all other professionals who are supporting children and young people.
On payment of your training place, you will receive:
We bring together an inspiring and innovative combination of theory, stunning original art work, lived experience examples and practical ideas. These will be delivered by our trainers over Zoom. We have digital support available on the day to ensure the training is problem free and straightforward.
This training is live and needs to be accessed on the training date.
£30 per person
Dr E. Felicity Williams is a Clinical Psychologist with 18 years’ experience of working in child and adolescent mental health. Felicity has a particular interest in the impact of young people’s online lives on their mental health and provides a variety of training on this for families, schools and wider services.
Helen Townsend is the artist and Specialist Creative Designer here at Beacon House. She collaborates closely with the team to develop their specialist content into a creative, beautiful, resourceful online training experience. As an adoptive parent herself, Helen is inspired by her experience living with trauma and loss in how she portrays the learning through her artwork.
Please book online using the link. Everything you need for the training will be emailed to you prior to the live training day. Please ensure you are able to access Zoom and have updated the app (if using) prior to the training to ensure you can have a stress free start to your training with us.
Refunds: Our live webinars are refundable until 21 days prior to the training date.
International Transactions: We will deduct any bank charges or fees from any requested refunds.
We work very hard to keep our training and resources free or as low cost as possible. We ask that participants keep the training link for their sole use only.
Our online training must not be reproduced or shared with another party without prior permission from Beacon House Therapeutic Services & Trauma Team. Copyright | Beacon House Therapeutic Services & Trauma Team | 2024