Jonathan is a very experienced therapist and has worked in the NHS for over 20 years in a range of inpatient and community settings. These included adult drug and alcohol rehabilitation, child and adolescent psychiatry and services for people with a learning disability. Jonathan has a lot of experience working with children and young people who are in the care of the Local Authority and children who are adopted. He has also worked with families as they develop to include a fostered or adopted child. He recognizes that all parties, including the therapist, needs to be open to learning about the challenges of change.

Jonathan’s first professional training was in Drama therapy. He is particularly interested in what it means to play -noting that to be playful concerns relationships and is a physical as well as cognitive and emotional experience. Crucially play starts early in an infant’s life. The capacity to play, explore and be curious promotes learning and self confidence. However, it can be understandably undermined by trauma and other life experiences, and this can limit a person’s development. Jonathan’s subsequent training has focused upon understanding better the impact of trauma including the intergenerational effects upon any an individual and their family.

Jonathan has completed trainings in Family therapy and most recently has trained in two specialist approaches to trauma called sensori motor psychotherapy and EMDR. Jonathan is passionate about understanding individuals’ needs and patterns through an attachment lens, and he is starting a course regarding attachment theory & practice at the John Bowlby Centre in the Autumn 2016.

Jonathan is interested in sport and the performing arts. He studies QI Qong and Tai Chi as he is interested in approaching psychological and emotional issues in terms of how the body experiences distress. Jonathon is very skilled at applying a range of therapy techniques with children and teenagers; and also with adults. He is able to adapt therapy to suit the communication and ‘cognitive’ needs of a child and his dynamic and creative approach creates a playful yet gently challenging therapeutic environment for his clients to explore their feelings and their future.

  • EMDR with Children & Adolescents Level 1
    Joanne Morris Smith, London, 2015
  • EMDR Level 2
    Alexandra Richman, London, 2015
  • EMDR Level 1
    Alexandra Richman, London, 2015
  • The Treatment of Trauma
  • Sensori Motor Psychotherapy Level 2
    Lincoln, UK, 2012
  • Sensori Motor Psychotherapy Level 1
    Lincoln, UK, 2010
  • Systemic Practice with Families and Couples Postgraduate Diploma
    Institute of Family Therapy, London, 2007
  • Systemic Practice with Families and Couples Advanced Certificate
    Institute of Family Therapy, London, 2006
  • Jungian Sandplay
    British & Irish Sandplay Society, 2004
  • Therapeutic Communication with Children
    University of East London & the Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust, 2004
  • Supervisors Training Course
    British Association of Drama Therapists, 2001
  • Drama Therapy Postgraduate Diploma
    University of Herfordshire, 1993
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training
    Roshmi Lovatt, 28th January 2023
  • Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders (SCID-D)
    Remy Aquerone, The Pottergate Centre, 25th January 2021, 22nd February 2021 and 22nd March 2021
  • Therapeutic Life Story Work creative communication
    Beacon House Inhouse Training, 12th March 2020
  • Self-Care for adoptive parents and our organisation
    Beacon House Inhouse Training, 26th February 2020
  • County lines and safeguarding
    Beacon House Inhouse Training, 15th January 2020
  • The dynamic maturational model of attachment across the lifespan
    Dr Ben Grey, Dept of Attachment Studies, University of Roehampton (one day, May 2019)
  • Heart math coaching
    Trauma, Dissociation & Recovery
    Conference, 2015
  • British Association of Drama Therapists
    Conference, 2014
  • Transforming shame & self loathing
    Janina Fisher, London, Conference, 2014
  • Trauma & attachment
    Kim Golding & Graham Music, Conference, 2014
  • Neuroscience of affect attachment & social cognition
    Anna Freud Centre, London, Conference, 2013
  • New paradigms in psychotherapy technique
    Confer-London, Conference, 2009
  • Psychological trauma & the child
    Confer-London, Conference, 2008
  • Thought in motion: Interdisciplinary approaches to mind & body
    Tavistock Clinic, London, Conference, 2008