Laura has worked with Beacon House since its inception and joined us full-time as our Adult Services Lead in April 2018. Laura is proud to lead the Adult Services across both our Cuckfield and Chichester Clinics.

Laura leads two of our innovative collaborations with West Sussex County Council; our service for Vulnerable and At Risk Adolescents, and our service for Families at Risk of Breakdown.

Laura brings to Beacon House over 10 years’ experience working within the NHS, where she was based within the Secure and Forensic speciality, including consulting to the National Probation Service around high-risk and complex cases. Laura has a long held a passion for working with marginalised groups who have endured exceptionally challenging life circumstances. Laura is dedicated to facilitating healing for those who live with the profound impact of disrupted attachment, early years adversity and developmental trauma.

Laura specialises in the assessment and treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Dissociative Disorders.

Laura works with adolescents and adults, with a particular interest in adults who were removed from their birth families, and either raised in statutory care environments, or who were adopted. Laura believes that an inter-generational pattern of trauma is not inevitable, and as one of her long-term therapy clients recently told her, “I don’t have to live a life that was determined for me before I was even born”.

Laura’s main therapeutic models are Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Laura’s practice always includes reference to the way that distress is stored, and manifests, in the body. Since working at Beacon House, Laura has embraced the opportunity to learn from the wealth of creative talent surrounding her, and as a result her clients now benefit from many different ways in which to tell their stories!

In addition to her work with individual clients, Laura consults to multi-agency professional networks who work with complex, and sometimes high-risk cases. Laura supports professionals to develop psychologically informed understandings of their cases, allowing them to identify the priority needs for intervention, and how to best address these needs. Laura helps teams to understand and manage the emotional and psychological impact of working with families where great responsibility is held by statutory services.

Having recently completed her Systems Centred Training, Laura is well-equipped to support teams of professionals, whether in the social and health care arena, or the corporate world, to work together thoughtfully and effectively, capitalising on what every individual in the system has to contribute.

Laura’s clients say that she is warm, ‘normal’, funny (not always when she means to be!) and authentic.

  • Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
    University of Surrey, 2010
  • MSc In Applied Forensic Psychology
    University of Leicester, 2005
  • BSc Dual Honours Psychology & Criminology
    Keele University, 2002
  • Intermediate Skills in Systems Centred Training
    Systems Centred Training, September 2024
  • Ongoing Systems Centred Training Group
    Systems Centred Training, January, April, June, October 2024.
  • Systems for Analysing Verbal Interactions (SAVI)
    Rowena Davis Consulting, 5th and 6th of February 2024
  • Treatment of Complex-Trauma related and Dissociative Disorders
    Dr Richard Lowenstein, 21st and 22nd June 2023.
  • Internal Family Systems/Parts workshop
    Therapy NorthWest Training and Retreat Services, 1st and 8th February 2023
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Training
    Roshmi Lovatt, 28th January 2023
  • Contextual safeguarding for vulnerable children and adults
    Amanda Radley, 3 hours, 11th May 2022
  • Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders (SCID-D)
    Remy Aquerone, The Pottergate Centre, 25th January 2021, 22nd February 2021 and 22nd March 2021
  • Connecting in a virtual context in a time of physical separation: Large group series
    Systems Centred Training, 24th February 2021, 10th May 2021
  • SCT & trauma workshop
    SCTRI Online, one hour, 21st October 2020
  • Applying Systems-Centred Theory and methods in organisations
    Systems Centred Training, January, May, October 2020
  • Designated safeguarding lead refresher
    West Sussex Services for Schools, 3 hours, 18th June 2020
  • Designated safeguarding officer level 3
    High Speed Training, November 2019
  • Safer recruitment
    High Speed Training, November 2019
  • Foundations in Systems-Centred training
    Systems Centred Training, October 2019
  • Criminal exploitation and gangs
    Sussex Police & St Giles Trust, Monday 30th September 2019
  • Advanced safeguarding children
    High Speed Training, June 2019
  • The dynamic maturational model of attachment across the lifespan
    Dr Ben Grey, Dept of Attachment Studies, University of Roehampton (one day, May 2019)
  • Advanced Workshop: DID, BPD and/or C-PTSD? Diagnostic assessment and therapeutic implications
    With Dr Suzette Boon, March 2019
  • EMDR Europe accredited training
    Dr Manda Holmshaw, EMDR Extra 2017
  • EMDR Europe accredited training
    Dr Manda Holmshaw, EMDR Extra 21st February 2017 – 23rd February 2017
  • Attachment and psychopathology
    Patricia Crittenden, The Tavistock Centre London 2nd December 2016 – 4th December 2016
  • Mentalization-Based treatment: Basic training
    The Anna Freud Centre / University College London 11th April 2016 – 13th April 2016
  • Multi-agency approaches in the management of Personality Disordered offenders
    British Psychological Society, Faculty of Forensic Clinical Psychology October 2015
  • Antisocial: Understanding the development and maintenance of antisocial behaviour
    The Department of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Sciences at King’s College London June 2014
  • Critical incident stress management
    Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust December 2013
  • HCR-V3
    Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust July/August 2013
  • Back to the future: Psychoanalytic understanding of the impact of traumatic experience
    The Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust July 2013
  • CBT for Psychosis
    Manchester University, Professor Tony Morrison July 2013
  • Psychodynamic work with Personality Disorder
    The Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust July 2011
  • Arson: Theory, assessment and intervention
    Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust April 2011
  • Multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA)
    Ministry of Justice National Offender Management Service April 2011
  • Forensic and clinical aspects of adult Autism
    St Andrews Healthcare March 2011
  • The VRS: Evidence-based, standardised risk assessment, risk reduction and outcome measurement
    Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust November 2011